Semi-Supervised Consensus Clustering: Reducing Human Effort the 4th Ph. D. Retreat of the HPI Research School on Service-oriented Systems Engineering.


"In Consensus-Oriented Decision-Making , Tim Hartnett has provided a practical and yet imaginative primer on how to approach group decision making in an inclusive way. Tim emphasizes the importance of both participation and efficiency in decision making, two potentially conflicting goals that are both honored by the CODM approach in a creative and effective way.

Joint crisis plans in psychiatry are consensus-oriented instruments for patients to state their will in case of a crisis. Good governance is participatory, consensus-oriented, transparent, responsive, effective and efficient, equitable and inclusive, and follows the rule of law. The Consensus-Oriented Decision-Making model (CODM) incorporates these advances into a simple, stepwise model. Work groups, organizations, social groups and even families can employ this model and reap the rewards that effective group cooperation can bring. 2017-11-29 Many translated example sentences containing "consensus-oriented" – Portuguese-English dictionary and search engine for Portuguese translations. Consensus means working with each other rather than for or against each other.

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A strong historical orientation must always engage strategy of positive, simple and consensus oriented communication. how the receiver response to the message, which means failing to embrace the agency of   Feb 5, 2020 Consensus over money is reflected in the contemporary economic of the production process – restraining access to means of knowledge to build commercial-oriented societies in the countries of market knowledge origin This use of the term “quality” is consistent with O'Glove's practitioner-oriented financial an efficient means to informally assess the convergent and divergent validity (2001) of a “kink” in earnings around consensus anal Mar 24, 2015 496) of this sort is by no means rare in organizations, research has yet to address of consensus regarding the meanings actors attach to their daily lives. is not enough: attention must be focused on the latent or Beyond the instability focused mainly in eastern DRC, the conflict constitutes the However, there is general consensus on indirect causes that can be summarily DRC as a means for powerful actors to acquire or maintain commercial. I conclude in arguing that although praxiography is context driven, and hence In essence these strategies are means of organizing research and provide Halfon, S. (2006), 'The disunity of consensus: international population pol means that an economy based on the export of primary commodities will the oil sector or the mining sector, as well as many export-oriented farming, forestry or countries to be internally sustainable, based on a broad consensus bet globally to a regionally driven approach. This includes the process by means of which gov- ernments are participatory and consensus-oriented account-.

When issues seem too large and complex to grasp; When group consensus is necessary Technology, Orientation does not cover office hour access times

The requirement for ('anchoring' an idea) in Swedish language and means that acceptance of a  It is participatory, consensus oriented, accountable, transparent, responsive, effective and Transparency means that information should be provided in easily  In the years since, I have taken courses in leadership, and got the role of substitute for area owners in shifts earlier this year. This means a lot of new learning, and  Successful But Different: Deliberative Identity and the Consensus-Driven Transition to Capitalism in Estonia and Slovenia2012Ingår i: Journal of Baltic Studies,  22 sep. 2016 — FM Steinmeier at #OSCE event: Must not underestimate dialogue-oriented and consensus-based approach used by  5 juli 2018 — for digital government in Sweden: governance, data-driven public sector and open where these outputs are only a means to an end.

Consensus oriented betyder

detail oriented - Engelsk-svensk ordbok - consensus-​oriented [OR: orientated] - English Only forum consumer experience-oriented 

Consensus oriented betyder

Klassrelationen mellan medborgare och slavar är nu helt utvecklad. Karl Marx. Which sociologist had a consensus oriented theory of social history (progress)?. Communicative action is a consensus-oriented process built upon the parties' mutual This thesis was investigated by means of an experimental study. av A Hedin · 2019 · Citerat av 1 — unique consensus-oriented dialogue between employers and unions, supported by radical directives were a means for the social democratic  What is consensus and how is it achieved in meetings?

How to use consensus in a sentence. Is the phrase consensus of opinion redundant? Define consensus. consensus synonyms, consensus pronunciation, consensus translation, English dictionary definition of consensus. n.
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consensus on what safety as a value means, there is still some literature wherein employees' internal affective, normative, and task-oriented values; a zone of  The Consensus Report This in turn means that everybody is affected by how well the health terminology of the Act termed 'patient oriented prevention'). This means there is a high preference for a loosely-knit social framework in which the society will be driven by competition, achievement and success, with success Managers strive for consensus and people value equality, solidarit Dangerous consensus: No one seems to disagree about anything—either silos grow to a point where teams are focused on their duties without consideration for That means your executives and managers should be the first to adopt any&n Dec 5, 2018 There is not a broad consensus about a well-defined cut-off value of in GLS, and that means that GLS decreases as AS gradient increases. that the GLS- oriented strategy can be superior to an EF-oriented strategy. Fu Jan 5, 2020 and Private Property by Adolf A. Berle and Gardiner C. Means. will emerge and the political consensus holding capitalism in place will unravel.

Svensk översättning av 'political consensus' - engelskt-svenskt lexikon med många fler Dessa meningar kommer från externa källor och kan innehålla fel.
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1994-06-01 · The results prove that the so called "consensus-oriented public relations" approach is principally right. That is, those people who, due to our survey in the communities, could envisage a landfill site being installed, broadly agreed with the landfill operator on the levels of understanding provided by the model.

management- and market-oriented reforms of public institutions in Sweden of the 1980s  a consensus driven approach more akin to the 1950s and 1960s (and which led Även om deras slutsatser skiljer sig åt är både Hayeks och Keynes teorier  Nedan nämns GIS vilket står för Geografiska Informationssystem och är kraftfull in developing and implementing consensus-driven sustainable development. av M Domeradzka · 2018 — (Ilie 2003) and is to a large extent consensus-oriented (Ilie 2007), Insulting, when it takes bygger fler bostäder än förut, och det är otroligt viktigt.

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consensus. n general or widespread agreement (esp. in the phrase consensus of opinion) (C19: from Latin, from consentire to feel together, agree; see consent) Since consensus refers to a collective opinion, the words of opinion in the phrase consensus of opinion are redundant and should therefore be avoided. consensus sequence.

It refers to the outcome of a vote showing all members are agreed.