EN-HAKKORE. en-hak'-o-re, en-hak-o'-re (`en ha-qore', "spring of the partridge"): Interpreted (Judges 15:19) as meaning "the spring of him that called."So the Septuagint: pege tou epikaloumenou. The spring was in Lehi but the site is unknown.


EN-HAKKORE ĕn hăk’ ə rĭ (עֵ֤ין הַקּﯴרֵא׃֙, the spring of him that called, though possibly the spring of the partridge). The spring where Samson drank after slaughtering the Philistines at Lehi (Judg 15:14-19). It cannot be identified, if it still exists, for it is generally agreed that the site of Lehi remains unidentified.

The phrase, a hapax legomenon, is found only in Judg 15:19 as “the spring of the invoker,” based on Samson’s “call” to God to quench his thirst and God’s miraculous provision of a spring of water. 2014-05-05 · BDB Theological Dictionary lists the name En-hakkore in its article on the noun עין (ayin), meaning spring and translates it (astoundingly) with Partridge Spring (from the noun קרא (qore'), meaning partridge, also from the verb קרא I (qara' I), meaning to call out). En-hakkore. En-hakkore is the name of a fountain, mentioned only in Judges 15:18-19.

En hakkore spring

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31 Aug 2012 That's why it's called En Hakkore (Caller's Spring). It's still there at Lehi today.” Everyone needs water - heroes and weaklings, refugees and the  Choose our signature poke bowls · ​ · (1) Black or White Rice · (2) Spring Mix · (3 ) · (4) Cucumber · (5) · (6) Guacamole. Situated in the bustling Wicker Park Chicago, En Hakkore 2 is a small restaurant The name is Hebrew and is derived from the Bible, named after a spring that  The Lord hearkened to his petition and opened for him a spring of water. In token of his gratitude Samson called the name of the place En-hakkore, or “the well  8 Dec 2019 Therefore the name of it was called En-hakkore [the spring of him who prayed], which is at Lehi to this day. 20 And [Samson] judged (defended)  The Lord hearkened to his petition and opened for him a spring of water.

29 Apr 2013 Why it's this week's Best Bite: The beautiful spring weather over the weekend called for a leisurely midday lunch, starting at a fairly new Korean 

The spring where Samson drank after slaughtering the Philistines at Lehi (Judg 15:14-19). It cannot be identified, if it still exists, for it is generally agreed that the site of Lehi remains unidentified.

En hakkore spring

How about having SASHIMI-BAP at En Hakkore today? SASHIMI-BAP (Bowl) 13 kinds of vegi, 5 kinds of sashimi w/ rice :spring mix, cabbage, lettuce, romaine lettuce, daikon sprouts, cilantro, cucumber,

En hakkore spring

there came. When Samson drank, his strength returned and he revived. So the spring was called En Hakkore, and it is still there in Lehi.

The word of God has the power to heal your wounds and release your pains – In light of this, I suggest that ʿAin Hanniyeh was the location of the biblical En-hakkore and Ramath-lehi mentioned in Judg 15:18-19.ʿAin Hanniyeh ("the spring of Anne") is one of the locations where Philip is traditionally believed to have baptized the eunuch who was returning to Ethiopia after visiting Jerusalem (cf. Acts 8:26-40; see Bagatti 2002: 25-26 for a discussion of later Jul 20, 2011 - En Hakkore in Lehi, means "Caller's Spring" because in Judges it says when Samson was thirsty and called out to God, He opened up a hollow place which Samson drank from and had his energy and strength revived. I kinda want to try drinking from it now! hahaha kimchi, onion, mushroom, cilantro, lettuce, pickled radish, en hakkore sauce. choose your protein: spicy pork or korean b.b.q beef $ 7.50 2015-05-20 EN-HAKKORE. en-hak'-o-re, en-hak-o'-re (`en ha-qore', "spring of the partridge"): Interpreted (Judges 15:19) as meaning "the spring of him that called." So the Septuagint: pege tou epikaloumenou. The spring was in Lehi but the site is unknown.
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A spring at Lehi. (Judg. 15:19) It received its name when, after striking down a thousand men, thirsty Samson “began to call on Jehovah” for water and the spring was miraculously provided.—Vss. 14-18.

15:19) It received its name when, after striking down a thousand men, thirsty Samson “began to call on Jehovah” for water and the spring was miraculously provided.—Vss.
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EN-HAKKORE. en-hak'-o-re, en-hak-o'-re (`en ha-qore', "spring of the partridge"): Interpreted (Judges 15:19) as meaning "the spring of him that called." So the Septuagint: pege tou epikaloumenou. The spring was in Lehi but the site is unknown.

Fountain of the crier, the name of the spring in Lehi which burst forth in answer to Samson's prayer when he was exhausted with the slaughter of the Philistines (Judges 15:19). It has been identified with the spring `Ayun Kara, near Zoreah. International Standard Bible Encyclopedia En-hakkore 152 [H] fountain of the crier, the name of the spring in Lehi which burst forth in answer to Samson's prayer when he was exhausted with the slaughter of the Philistines (Judges 15:19). It has been identified with the spring 'Ayun Kara, near Zoreah.

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As the story goes Samson had just fought with a thousand Philistines with the jawbone of a donkey being his only weapon. (ehn-hak' kohr rih) Place name meaning, “spring of the partridge” or “spring of the caller.” Place where God gave Samson water from the jawbone he had used to kill a thousand Philistines (Judges 15:18-19 ).